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Yucaipa GSP

Yucaipa Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) are the pathway to reach local sustainability goals that consider all beneficial uses and users of the groundwater basin. GSPs must be developed with Sustainable Management Criteria, including measurable objectives (goals), milestones evaluated every five years to help meet the goals, and minimum thresholds (limits) that ensure basin sustainability over the long term.

Under the SGMA, GSAs “have the responsibility for adopting a Plan [GSP] that defines the basin setting and establishes criteria that will maintain or achieve sustainable groundwater management” (California Water Code, Section 350.4[e]). The requirement of the Yucaipa Subbasin GSP is to maintain or achieve sustainable groundwater management in the Yucaipa Subbasin by 2042. 


The Yucaipa GSA adopted the Yucaipa Subbasin GSP on January 26, 2022. Each member agency of the Yucaipa GSA issued resolutions by their respective city councils or board of directors to adopt the Yucaipa GSP. The adopted GSP was submitted to DWR on January 27, 2022. DWR will review the Yucaipa Subbasin GSP to determine if the GSP complies with the SGMA and requirements for GSPs, and whether implementation of the GSP will likely achieve the sustainability goal for the Yucaipa Subbasin. DWR’s review of the Yucaipa Subbasin GSP is ongoing but it's current status and submitted documents can be found on the SGMA Portal.

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